Sunday, July 3, 2011


Joining twitter was interesting - initially I was hesitant of the idea, but after creating my profile realized that there were a few people I am interested in following (The New Yorker, Steven Fry, Time magazine, etc). So I followed 25 or so. Then, after looking at the tweets I became confused and bit frustrated about the tweets I did not understand, or that had nothing to do with what why I was following that person in the first place.

After cutting my list of following down, I turned to David Nagel for some writing material this week. There are numerous things going on in the educational technology world. One thing that caught my eye was Nagel's tweet about the professor University of Wisconsin who received a grant to design a video game that would attempt to debunk negative attitudes towards women and minorities. Video games have come light years since Atari, and would be a good medium to address the issues of racism and sexism, especially because a few video games perpetuate stereotypes and negative attitudes. I am interested to see how this might play out, and if it would be accessible and entertaining, or more on the educational game wave-length which might turn off students or adults.

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